Nutrition Intake Form Name Name First First Last Last Email What are your goals for feeding a homemade diet? How often do you want to prepare your dog’s diet? * Daily Weekly Biweekly (every 2 weeks) Monthly OtherOther What unit do you prefer to weigh your ingredients in? * Imperial (lbs / oz) Metric (g / kg) Which tool(s) do you have available to you? Please check all that apply. * Sous vide Meat grinder that can handle soft bones Meat grinder that cannot handle bones Food processor / blender Pressure cooker Slow cooker Instant Pot OtherOther I would like to feed: * 100% homemade diet Partially homemade, partially commercial (can be kibble or premade raw) Mostly commercial with some fresh food toppers If you would like to partially feed a commercial diet, please note how much of the diet you want it to be, and which brand and type. (Feel free to provide a link) Would you like to include raw meaty bones in the diet? * Yes No Would you prefer a mainly raw or cooked recipe? Check all that apply * Raw Cooked No preference Has your pet previously eaten raw meaty bones? If so, please describe which ones, and how the pet handled them. * Recipes will ALWAYS prioritize your pet’s health, breed, age, and condition-specific nutritional needs. However, there is still a lot of wiggle room in ingredient and supplement choices. As such, we can prioritize by ingredient accessibility (read: more supplements) or nutrient density (read: higher-cost ingredients, longer meal prep time, and less supplements). Please select which you’d prefer below. Ingredient accessibility Nutrient density If you are human, leave this field blank. Next – Pet Information Δ