Full Diet Analysis


This is a review of your dog’s current diet to determine if it is fully meeting their specific nutritional needs. No two dogs are the same, and Integrative Canine firmly believes in customized nutrition for every dog. When reviewing your dog’s current diet, I factor in their age, breed, weight, activity level, and environment.

All diets are welcome! Kibble, raw, cooked, canned, homemade — it doesn’t matter. If you’re feeding supplements or toppers, I’ll analyze those as well.

Please note that this analysis is for healthy adult animals. If you need an analysis for a puppy, senior dog, or dog with health conditions, please contact me.

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Your dog deserves the absolute best nutrition, and I firmly believe that every dog is unique, with unique nutritional needs. I have a deep understanding of canine dietary requirements, and I've applied this understanding to my own dogs, who are thriving.

When creating your dog's nutrition plan, I factor in their age, activity level, breed, weight, and environment (as well as your preferences and budget!) to give you a tailored plan that fits your lifestyle (and their needs.)

Your dog's health is an ongoing concern, and good health starts with good nutrition. By starting with a diet analysis, you're taking the first step toward giving them the health and vitality they deserve.

Understanding your dog's diet at a granular level is crucial, and this comprehensive nutritional analysis covers micro and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, offering you a holistic view of your dog's nutrition. These insights then empower you to make informed decisions about your dog's diet for their optimal health.

While others on the internet may give generic advice, I take a more comprehensive approach  to ensure that your dog's diet is uniquely crafted to suit their requirements.

You'll get:

  • A detailed PDF report with a full nutritional analysis of your dog's current diet, including macronutrients (fat / protein / carb ratios) and micronutrients
  • Notes on which macro and micronutrients are in excess or deficient
  • Specific recommendations on how to adjust your dog's current feeding regimen to better suit their needs
  • Suggested supplements or add-ins
  • Voice / text support via Messenger to answer any questions you have as you change your dog's diet